Labor and Employee Relations
Seattle Public Schools Labor and Employee Relations
Labor and Employee Relations is responsible for the District’s relationship with represented and non-represented employees. It is responsible for administering Collective Bargaining Agreements and policies impacting all employees, including contract grievance procedures, 504 accommodations and allegations of violations of District policies governing workplace conduct.
How to Report Concerns and Complaints
It is the process for all complaints and/or concerns be brought to the employee’s immediate supervisor and/or the School Leader. This process ensures that resolutions come from the lowest level possible.
If no resolution is made at the lowest level or if the complaint/concern involves the employee’s supervisor (i.e. a School Leader), see below for forms and instructions on submitting complaints/concerns to Labor & Employee Relations.
Safety Concerns
Safety is always our number one priority. We encourage students, parents/guardians, volunteers and staff to report all safety concerns to any of our staff members or to submit concerns via Let’s Talk, our online tip reporting system.
Every concern that is reported in the Let’s Talk system immediately notifies our administrators so they can investigate and take appropriate action. Reports may be filed anonymously through this system. However, the more information we are provided with, the easier it is for us to address concerns in a timely manner.
Note: Reported concerns, anonymous concerns included, may not lead to discipline.
Employee Misconduct Concerns
- Report Concerns via Let’s Talk
- Contact via email:
Formal Complaint Forms
- Student: Harassment, Intimidation, and Bullying (HIB) Form
- Discrimination Complaint Form
- Retaliation Complaint Form
Forms can be submitted via one of the following methods:
- in-person to Human Resources (JSCEE, Central Office)
- Email:
- Fax: 206-743-3020
Administrative Guidelines
- Adult Sexual Misconduct
- Anti-Nepotism
- Leave Sharing Guidelines
- Non-Represented Employee Grievance Procedure
- Non-Represented Family & Medical Leave Procedure
- Paid Family and Medical Leave (PFML) Implementation
- Sexually Explicit Material
- Workplace Civility
Required Workplace Posters
Federal and state laws require employers to display posters to ensure that employees have access to information about employment rights. Posters can be viewed online or in person.